New enlarged and illustrated edition of Slangordbogen, a dictionary of Danish slang and unconventional words and phrases.The dictionary contains appr. 12,000 headwords, 5,000 idioms, 17,100 definitions, 15,100 citations, 80,900 synonyms, 4,800 etymologies besides other information, and 1,170 illustrations. Every single meaning is documented by an authentic citation. In Reverse slang, ordinary word look-ups lead to slang words. Example: If you look up ”beruset” (= drunk) you will get slang words like bedugget, bimmelim, stegt, etc.Published with the support of:BrebølfondenAage og Johanne Louis-Hansens FondTorben Christiansen, MA, freelance editor, proofreader, dictionary editor and translator. Formerly attached to Department of Scandinavian Research, University of Copenhagen, and the Society for Danish Language and Literature. Former editor for more than 20 years at Munksgaard Publishers and Gyldendal Publishers.